Aldo Escobar

Hello friend! I'm a full-stack software developer currently collaborating at Syncfy.
Code | Business logic | UX/UI Design

Skill and values

About me I consider myself a curious and self teach person. I love connect the points and see what results from it. Some of my skills and values:

  • Programming
  • Agile philosophy
  • Communication
  • Team player
  • Cloud infrastructure
  • Maintainable

I have been on a long path where I have developed my skills, working with Mexican startups, and starting my own projects or as a freelancer. In the next section are some of my projects.

My experience at Syncfy

Software developer and Customer Happines I’m really happy to be collaborating at this great startup, with a great team. In this time I have been developing friendly documentation for our users and working aside the design team in the process of rebranding of the site. Also I designed, developed and published some of ours packages for languages like javascript, python, ruby and php.


UI/UX concept One of my favorites projects, unfortunately, this project never went to production. This are some pictures of how the app looks like.


In this project I worked to design an app that fit with de indoor biking experience. One of the biggest challenges was be fully empathic with the final user in achive to create a modern and useful application for mobile devices.


I have been collaborating alongside the TIU team in multiple and continuous iterations in order to achieve a website that transmits exactly what the client wants. The communication with the team has been a key factor in this project that continues growing until these days.


Cuppon was a startup founded by me and other teammates, It main focus was to attract consumers to establishments based on geolocalization and interests. My roll in the team was a software architect and project manager.


I developed a system that allowed the accounting firm to create smart reports based on the automatic classification of the SAT invoices.


I worked alongside the Apdevs team and their clients developing customizable websites and e-commerce sites. Working together we were able to quickly launch these projects to the market thanks to the WordPress technologies.

Get in touch

Thanks for comming! I'm really happy to meet and collaborate with you, let me know what awesome project we will build!